62 research outputs found

    Zebrafish fin immune responses during high mortality infections with viral haemorrhagic septicemia rhabdovirus. A proteomic and transcriptomic approach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite rhabdoviral infections being one of the best known fish diseases, the gene expression changes induced at the surface tissues after the natural route of infection (infection-by-immersion) have not been described yet. This work describes the differential infected versus non-infected expression of proteins and immune-related transcripts in fins and organs of zebrafish <it>Danio rerio </it>shortly after infection-by-immersion with viral haemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis detected variations on the protein levels of the enzymes of the glycolytic pathway and cytoskeleton components but it detected very few immune-related proteins. Differential expression of immune-related gene transcripts estimated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction arrays and hybridization to oligo microarrays showed that while more transcripts increased in fins than in organs (spleen, head kidney and liver), more transcripts decreased in organs than in fins. Increased differential transcript levels in fins detected by both arrays corresponded to previously described infection-related genes such as complement components (<it>c3b, c8 </it>and <it>c9</it>) or class I histocompatibility antigens (<it>mhc1</it>) and to newly described genes such as secreted immunoglobulin domain (<it>sid4</it>), macrophage stimulating factor (<it>mst1</it>) and a cluster differentiation antigen (<it>cd36</it>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The genes described would contribute to the knowledge of the earliest molecular events occurring in the fish surfaces at the beginning of natural rhabdoviral infections and/or might be new candidates to be tested as adjuvants for fish vaccines.</p

    Transcriptome profiles associated to VHSV infection or DNA vaccination in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus)

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    DNA vaccines encoding the viral G glycoprotein show the most successful protection capability against fish rhabdoviruses. Nowadays, the molecular mechanisms underlying the protective response remain still poorly understood. With the aim of shedding light on the protection conferred by the DNA vaccines based in the G glycoprotein of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus (VHSV) in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) we have used a specific microarray highly enriched in antiviral sequences to carry out the transcriptomic study associated to VHSV DNA vaccination/infection. The differential gene expression pattern in response to empty plasmid (pMCV1.4) and DNA vaccine (pMCV1.4-G860) intramuscular administration with regard to non-stimulated turbot was analyzed in head kidney at 8, 24 and 72 hours post-vaccination. Moreover, the effect of VHSV infection one month after immunization was also analyzed in vaccinated and non-vaccinated fish at the same time points. Genes implicated in the Toll-like receptor signalling pathway, IFN inducible/regulatory proteins, numerous sequences implicated in apoptosis and cytotoxic pathways, MHC class I antigens, as well as complement and coagulation cascades among others were analyzed in the different experimental groups. Fish receiving the pMCV1.4-G860 vaccine showed transcriptomic patterns very different to the ones observed in pMCV1.4-injected turbot after 72 h. On the other hand, VHSV challenge in vaccinated and non-vaccinated turbot induced a highly different response at the transcriptome level, indicating a very relevant role of the acquired immunity in vaccinated fish able to alter the typical innate immune response profile observed in non-vaccinated individuals. This exhaustive transcriptome study will serve as a complete overview for a better understanding of the crosstalk between the innate and adaptive immune response in fish after viral infection/vaccination. Moreover, it provides interesting clues about molecules with a potential use as vaccine adjuvants, antiviral treatments or markers for vaccine efficiency monitoring

    Pyridine–hydrazone ligands in enantioselective palladium-catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings

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    The geometries and coordination properties of modular pyridineehydrazone N,N-ligands containing C2- symmetric trans-2,5-diphenylpyrrolidine and trans-2,5-diphenylpiperidine as the terminal dialkylamino units have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis of [PdCl2(N,N)] complexes [(N,N)¼pyridine hy- drazone ligand]. In combination with Pd(OAc)2 as the precatalyst, these ligands provide high enantio- selectivities (up to 95:5 er) in asymmetric SuzukieMiyaura cross couplings of 2-methoxy-1-naphthyl bromides with 1-naphthyl and 2-tolyl boronic acids.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TQ2013-48164-C2-1-P, CTQ2013- 48164-C2-2-P, CTQ2014-51912-REDC, RYC-2013-12585Junta de Andalucía 2012/FQM 107

    Neurtu 2021. Barómetro sobre la diversidad en la CAE. Percepciones y actitudes hacia la diversidad sexual y de género

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    106 p.Este informe recoge los resultados principales derivados del análisis de "Neurtu 2021. Barómetro sobre la diversidad en la CAE: percepciones y actitudes hacia la diversidad sexual y de género", que sigue el camino abierto por la "Encuesta sobre percepciones y actitudes en torno a la discriminación en Euskadi 2020" (EPADE 2020), una encuesta pionera en nuestro territorio en lo que respecta al estudio de los posicionamientos y la apertura de la población vasca hacia la realidad social diversa y el compromiso respecto a la igualdad y la no discriminación

    Elaboración de aplicaciones interactivas para la docencia en el grado Grado de Telecomunicación

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    En este trabajo se muestran los avances realizados en el desarrollo de aplicaciones basadas en laboratorios virtuales para el estudio de la Acústica en el Grado de Telecomunicación. En particular se muestra la extensión de la aplicación VSLM accesible vía on-line y de carácter libre. Esta aplicación está implementada en lenguaje MATLAB y se basa en una interfaz gráfica sencilla que permite simular el funcionamiento de un sonómetro offline. El módulo incorporado a la aplicación permite calcular el tiempo de reverberación y una serie de parámetros relacionados con el mismo para poder caracterizar acústicamente salas y recintos. De forma paralela se muestran los avances realizados en la mejora de la aplicación implementada con anterioridad por los autores dedicada al estudio de las ondas mecánicas en barras con diferentes condiciones de contorno. La aplicación estaba implementada inicialmente en MATLAB para la parte gráfica y el interfaz, mientras que la parte de cálculo se realizó en C++. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados iniciales y la toma de contacto para la unificación de la interfaz y el código que implementa el método numérico en C++ mediante la librería Qt

    Neurtu 2021. EAEko aniztasunari buruzko barometroa. Sexu- eta genero-aniztasunarekiko pertzepzioak eta jarrerak

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    106 p.Txosten honek "Neurtu 2021. EAEko aniztasunari buruzko barometroa: sexu- eta genero-aniztasunarekiko pertzepzioak eta jarrerak" azterlanaren analisitik etorritako emaitza nagusiak biltzen ditu. Euskadiko biztanleek diskriminazioaren inguruan dituzten pertzepzioei eta jarrerei buruzko Inkestak (EPADE 2020) irekitako bideari jarraitzen dio azterlan horrek. EPADE inkesta aitzindaria da gure lurraldean, askotariko gizarte-errealitatearekiko eta berdintasunarekiko eta diskriminaziorik ezarekiko konpromisoaren aurrean Euskadiko biztanleriak dituen jarrera eta irekitasuna aztertzeari dagokionez

    Laboratorio virtual basado en MATLAB para la docencia de Acústica en el Grado de Telecomunicación

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    En este trabajo se presentan los primeros resultados derivados del desarrollo de un laboratorio virtual para el estudio de las ondas mecánicas en barras con diferentes condiciones de contorno. La aplicación permite visualizar tanto las ondas dentro del sólido como las ondas sonoras producidas por la barra sometida a un impacto. Esta aplicación pretende ser la base de un laboratorio virtual completo que cubra diferentes situaciones didácticas dentro del campo de la Acústica. La interfaz gráfica se ha realizado en MATLAB para que el alumno pueda configurar la experiencia sin tener conocimientos avanzados de programación. La herramienta permite variar de forma sencilla los parámetros físicos de las barras a simular, así como el tipo de fijación en la barra y el punto de excitación. La aplicación representa en tiempo real la distribución de velocidades en el interior de la barra y en aire que la rodea, permitiendo al estudiante identificar de forma visual los diferentes fenómenos que se producen en estos sistemas: ondas longitudinales, ondas transversales y ondas superficiales Love y/o Rayleigh. Se pretende distribuir la herramienta de forma libre a los estudiantes en el siguiente curso académico para evaluar el impacto que este tipo de estrategias tienen en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.Los autores desean agradecer la financiación de la Universidad de Alicante vía los proyectos GITE-09006-UA, GITE-09014-UA, y al ICE de la Universidad de Alicante a través de la convocatoria de Proyectos de Redes 2013-2014 y su soporte a la red 3092

    Semi-automated and fully automated mammographic density measurement and breast cancer risk prediction

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    The task of breast density quantification is becoming increasingly relevant due to its association with breast cancer risk. In this work, a semi-automated and a fully automated tools to assess breast density from full-field digitized mammograms are presented. The first tool is based on a supervised interactive thresholding procedure for segmenting dense from fatty tissue and is used with a twofold goal: for assessing mammographic density(MD) in a more objective and accurate way than via visual-based methods and for labeling the mammograms that are later employed to train the fully automated tool. Although most automated methods rely on supervised approaches based on a global labeling of the mammogram, the proposed method relies on pixel-level labeling, allowing better tissue classification and density measurement on a continuous scale. The fully automated method presented combines a classification scheme based on local features and thresholding operations that improve the performance of the classifier. A dataset of 655 mammograms was used to test the concordance of both approaches in measuring MD. Three expert radiologists measured MD in each of the mammograms using the semi-automated tool (DM-Scan). It was then measured by the fully automated system and the correlation between both methods was computed. The relation between MD and breast cancer was then analyzed using a case-control dataset consisting of 230 mammograms. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used to compute reliability among raters and between techniques. The results obtained showed an average ICC = 0.922 among raters when using the semi-automated tool, whilst the average correlation between the semi-automated and automated measures was ICC = 0.838. In the case-control study, the results obtained showed Odds Ratios (OR) of 1.38 and 1.50 per 10% increase in MD when using the semi-automated and fully automated approaches respectively. It can therefore be concluded that the automated and semi-automated MD assessments present a good correlation. Both the methods also found an association between MD and breast cancer risk, which warrants the proposed tools for breast cancer risk prediction and clinical decision making. A full version of the DM-Scan is freely available. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was supported by research grants from Gent per Gent Fund (EDEMAC Project); Spain's Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigacion Santiaria) (PI060386 & FIS PS09/00790); Spanish MICINN grants TIN2009-14205-C04-02 and Consolider-Ingenio 2010: MIPRCV (CSD2007-00018); Spanish Federation of Breast Cancer Patients (Federacion Espanola de Cancer de Mama) (FECMA 485 EPY 1170-10). The English revision of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Llobet Azpitarte, R.; Pollán, M.; Antón Guirao, J.; Miranda-García, J.; Casals El Busto, M.; Martinez Gomez, I.; Ruiz Perales, F.... (2014). Semi-automated and fully automated mammographic density measurement and breast cancer risk prediction. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 116(2):105-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.01.021S105115116

    Rag1 immunodeficiency‐induced early aging and senescence in zebrafish are dependent on chronic inflammation and oxidative stress [Poster]

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    12th European Zebrafish Meeting, Krakow, 9-13 July 2023In mammals, recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) plays a crucial role in adaptive immunity, generating a vast range of immunoglobulins. Rag1−/− zebrafish (Danio rerio) are viable and reach adulthood without obvious signs of infectious disease in standard nonsterile conditions, suggesting that innate immunity could be enhanced to compensate for the lack of adaptive immunity. By using microarray analysis, we confirmed that the expression of immunity- and apoptosis-related genes was increased in the rag1−/− fish. This tool also allows us to notice alterations of the DNA repair and cell cycle mechanisms in rag1−/− zebrafish. Several senescence and aging markers were analyzed. In addition to the lower lifespan of rag1−/− zebrafish compared to their wild-type (wt) siblings, rag1−/− showed a higher incidence of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, a greater amount of phosphorylated histone H2AX, oxidative stress and decline of the antioxidant mechanisms, an upregulated expression and activity of senescence-related genes and senescence-associated β-galactosidase, respectively, diminished telomere length, and abnormal self-renewal and repair capacities in the retina and liver. Metabolomic analysis also demonstrated clear differences between wt and rag1−/− fish, as was the deficiency of the antioxidant metabolite L-acetylcarnitine (ALCAR) in rag1−/− fish. Therefore, Rag1 activity does not seem to be limited to V(D)J recombination but is also involved in senescence and aging. Furthermore, we confirmed the senolytic effect of ABT-263, a known senolytic compound and, for the first time, the potential in vivo senolytic activity of the antioxidant agent ALCAR, suggesting that this metabolite is essential to avoid premature agingN

    Mytilus galloprovincialis Myticin C: A Chemotactic Molecule with Antiviral Activity and Immunoregulatory Properties

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    Previous research has shown that an antimicrobial peptide (AMP) of the myticin class C (Myt C) is the most abundantly expressed gene in cDNA and suppressive subtractive hybridization (SSH) libraries after immune stimulation of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. However, to date, the expression pattern, the antimicrobial activities and the immunomodulatory properties of the Myt C peptide have not been determined. In contrast, it is known that Myt C mRNA presents an unusual and high level of polymorphism of unidentified biological significance. Therefore, to provide a better understanding of the features of this interesting molecule, we have investigated its function using four different cloned and expressed variants of Myt C cDNA and polyclonal anti-Myt C sera. The in vivo results suggest that this AMP, mainly present in hemocytes, could be acting as an immune system modulator molecule because its overexpression was able to alter the expression of mussel immune-related genes (as the antimicrobial peptides Myticin B and Mytilin B, the C1q domain-containing protein MgC1q, and lysozyme). Moreover, the in vitro results indicate that Myt C peptides have antimicrobial and chemotactic properties. Their recombinant expression in a fish cell line conferred protection against two different fish viruses (enveloped and non-enveloped). Cell extracts from Myt C expressing fish cells were also able to attract hemocytes. All together, these results suggest that Myt C should be considered not only as an AMP but also as the first chemokine/cytokine-like molecule identified in bivalves and one of the few examples in all of the invertebrates